Fears of inmate mutiny reflect Labour inaction

Thursday 24 January 2008, 3:22PM

By Simon Power


National's Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, says fears of an inmate mutiny at Christchurch Men's Prison reflect a culture of inaction and neglect under Labour.

"Prison officers are expressing deep concern that an insurrection involving some of the country's worst criminals will put their lives at risk, and that management is offering them little support and guidance," says Mr Power.

"This is totally unacceptable but, I'm afraid, symptomatic of the way Labour has dealt with this problem over the past eight years. It has turned a blind eye and allowed criminals to run the show.

"Labour claims this sort of activity isn't widespread and that Corrections has it under control, but that is clearly not the case. Reports of this nature are unfortunately, becoming far too frequent.

"Changing the face of Corrections by bringing a sixth Minister into the job has made no difference. The dysfunctional culture that characterises the Corrections Department remains under Phil Goff.

"The public lost its appetite for this sort of incompetence a long time ago but, true to form, Labour failed to listen. These sorts of problems are, sadly, now commonplace in the public's mind."