Victims come second again under Labour

Saturday 26 January 2008, 5:19PM

By Simon Power


Helen Clark's Labour Government should be ashamed that the family of murder victim Karl Kuchenbecker has been told to repay $19,000 in legal aid granted for an inquest, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.

"This is an outrage. While crime runs out of control on the streets, Labour is busy billing the families of murder victims.

"Victims again come second under this Labour Government, and this latest example will disgust New Zealanders. Something stinks in this country when such a disgraceful event is allowed to occur.

"The Justice Minister has come out claiming she's concerned, but she needs to explain how this happened yet again in a system that constantly seems to put victims second to criminals.

"The Minister should explain how Labour can bill the family, yet writes off huge sums in overdue court fines.

"This is a double standard – the criminals get off while the victims and their families are forced to pay up and endure even more hardship.

"Labour will of course say it's not their fault, but they are the government and oversee the system that billed the family of Karl Kuchenbecker."