Success of ECE Centres of Innovation

Infonews Editor

Thursday 3 May 2007, 4:58PM

By Infonews Editor


Minister of Education, Steve Maharey, has released two new resources which highlight and build on the success of the Centres of Innovation (COI) programme in Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres.

"The COI programme is part of the Labour-led governments 10 year ECE strategic plan 'Pathways to the future: Nga Huarahi Arataki', which aims to improve quality, boost participation and promote collaboration within the sector.

Another of the key policies of the 10 year plan is 20 Hours Free ECE, which rolls out this year. From 1 July, up to 92,000 three and four year olds will be eligible for 20 Hours Free ECE."

"The first round of Centres of Innovation programme funded six ECE services to research innovative approaches to teaching and learning, and trial different ways of improving learning outcomes for children.

"We're now releasing a book and DVD based on their experiences, so they can be shared to improve quality across the entire sector and internationally."

The Minister presented the resources at the Early Childhood Education Symposium in Wellington today, as ten additional ECE services are involved in round two of the COI programme.

"Improving the quality of ECE is a key goal of our 10 year strategic plan, and the resources from this programme make sure we build on the success so far, and share and promote successful outcomes with other providers."

The resources will be distributed to ECE associations and organisations, and to teacher education providers over the next month by the Ministry of Education.

The book, called 'Riding the Waves', outlines research carried out by teachers at ECE centres and the DVD 'Centres of Innovation Nga Mahi Auaha' gives examples of teachers professional growth after taking part in the COI programme.