Proactive stance over cars for sale

Palmerston North City Council

Monday 28 January 2008, 11:32AM

By Palmerston North City Council



The City Council is planning a February clampdown on the sale of private vehicles outside the entrance to Memorial Park.

From this week the Council is giving owners of cars offered privately for sale a fortnight to remove their vehicle to a designated area at the eastern end of the carpark.

During that time Council staff will visit the car park, speak to owners and leave flyers under the windscreen of the offending vehicles. Signage has also been installed telling them where they can locate their vehicles and where they can’t.

The Head of the Council’s Environmental Protection Services, Wayne Jameson, says if owners still persist in parking there, they’ll receive a $40 infringement notice.

“We’ve set aside an area at the eastern end of the carpark for the purpose of offering vehicles for sale and some owners are already using it. By mid February we are encouraging everyone to move there,” Wayne says.

Over recent months the Council has been monitoring the on-going activity at Memorial Park and has been issuing infringement notices. The emphasis has been on the road worthiness of vehicles but now the Council is focusing on cars offered for sale.

“There’s a conflict of activity at the entrance to Memorial Park which is causing concern to recreational users and it’s time to balance the needs of these users and car owners,” he says.

The clampdown also extends to vehicles for sale on the side of the road outside dealers’ yards.

“We want the vehicle back inside the yard so the roadside can be used be used legitimately by people wanting to park there,” Wayne Jameson says.