Prohibited fire season likely

Manawatu District Council

Wednesday 30 January 2008, 1:03PM

By Manawatu District Council



A PROHIBITED fire season is likely to be introduced in the Manawatu District shortly as fire hazard ratings climb to extreme levels.

Principal Rural Fire Officer, Tony Groome, said a decision would be made later this week, with any declaration to encompass Palmerston North and the Horowhenua District as well.

The Wanganui, Ruapehu and Rangitikei Districts had already declared a prohibited season.

Mr Groome said fire hazard ratings had climbed from moderate in some areas to very high and extreme in most parts and condition variances between the southern and northern ends of the district were no longer as pronounced.

A restricted fire season had been in force since December 16.

“Fire monitoring figures are varying each day and climbing steadily,” said Mr Groome, “and the higher the fire weather index is the more extreme it is getting.”

All four indicator stations for the Manawatu District – located at Palmerston North Airport, Raumai, Tapuae and Waitarere Forest – indicate the scrub fire danger as extreme. The airport also indicated an extreme reading for forests.

Mr Groome said no permits were being issued for fires in the open and he urged anyone spotting any smoke to contact authorities immediately.

“Though we are holding off the issuing of permits, there have not been many requests, as people are recognising the dangers involved in lighting a fire.”

Those dangers were emphasised recently when strong winds blew down power lines that ignited scrub and grass and resulted in 14 fire calls in the district on the one day.

“The wind also got in and re-ignited a controlled burn-off involving old tree stumps that had been out since November,” he said.

A prohibited season bans the lighting of fires in the open with the exception of barbecues in properly constructed containers and fuelled with gas.

Mr Groome said residents needed to be aware that if anyone lit a fire during a prohibited season, the full costs of extinguishing the blaze could be charged to the property owner or person responsible.