Write on for Youth Environment Forum

Taranaki Regional Council

Thursday 31 January 2008, 9:52AM

By Taranaki Regional Council



Senior Taranaki secondary school students are being given an opportunity to write their way to a national forum on the environment.

The Taranaki Regional Council is running an essay competition to find three delegates to the Youth Environment Forum to be held in Wellington from 27 April to 1 May.

Open to young people aged 16 to 18, the essay competition closes on 20 March. Entrants should submit an essay of no more than 500 words covering:

The key environmental issues facing Taranaki in the next decade.
Why they are important.
What can be done to protect the environment.

Background information can be found on the Taranaki Regional Council website, , and all reference sources should be acknowledged in a bibliography.

Entries should be sent to: Youth Environment Forum, Taranaki Regional Council, Private Bag 713, Stratford 4352, and include name, date of birth, address, contact phone number and name of school.

The Youth Environment Forum is an initiative of the Ministry for the Environment and the Sir Peter Blake Trust. This year’s forum will be the fifth.