Two Council Managers To Say Goodbye
Dean Sulzberger, Assets Group Manager for the Waitaki District Council has announced his intention to resign from Council to take up a job offer in the Middle East and Property and Parks Manager Marcus Brown has announced he is leaving to take up employment with a private company in Oamaru.
Mr Sulzberger joined Council four years ago as Water Utilities Manager, two years later he took up his present senior management role.
Mr Sulzberger played an overview role in the commissioning and implementation of the Oamaru Water Treatment Plant, which he regards as one of the high points of his involvement with Waitaki. He has also been instrumental in progressing work on the Oamaru Harbour Breakwater, a project that is now well underway and which he feels pleased to see moving forward to a positive conclusion.
Reflecting on his time spent with Council, he says he has welcomed the challenges and diversity of projects that a medium sized organisation such as Waitaki District Council has afforded him, “I’ve enjoyed a diverse range of activities from both a technical and a management perspective which is not often the case with larger organisations. The work has been rewarding.”
Mr Brown joined the council four years ago. He says he has enjoyed his time with the Council and is now looking forward to new challenges in the private sector.
Mr Sulzberger’s and Mr Brown’s resignations will take effect from the 18 and 29 February respectively. Both positions will be re-advertised shortly. Interim arrangements will be put in place pending the appointment of their successors.