Greens call for formal inquiry into 12-hour ambulance wait

Friday 1 February 2008, 12:20PM

By Green Party



The Green Party is calling for a formal inquiry into why no ambulance was available to take Wairarapa accident victim Reece Lloyd-Grimwood for urgent surgery.

The people of Wairarapa need to know whether there are major problems with their ambulance service and whether they can expect one to arrive if they have an emergency, the Green Party says.

Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says traffic accident Mr Lloyd-Grimwood’s treatment at the hands of Wairarapa Ambulance Service was shocking and an indictment.

“No one should have to suffer the ordeal of a painful 12-hour wait for transportation because an ambulance cannot be found as Mr Lloyd-Grimwood did.

“Ambulances are a core part of our emergency services, they are a necessity, not a luxury. Patients in pain and bleeding in obvious need of help should not be told ‘sorry we’re too busy, you’ll have to find someone else to drive you’.

“I urge ACC and the Wairarapa District Health Board to launch a formal inquiry into this incident and the state of the region’s ambulance services to reassure that the people of Wairarapa that the service is adequately staffed and that if they have a medical emergency an ambulance will arrive,” Ms Kedgley says.