Nomination sought for community representatives on DCC grants subcommittee

Tuesday 5 February 2008, 9:29AM

By Dunedin City Council



The Dunedin City Council is looking for two Community Representatives to assist the Community Assistance Sub-Committee in its deliberations granting $674,800.00 to a range of community groups. Nominations close on Wednesday 5 March 2008.

Committee chairperson Cr Fliss Butcher says “This is a wonderful committee to be involved with as you learn so much about what is going on in the Arts, Recreation and Community sectors, and the work carried out by small groups of volunteers, contributing to the cultural fabric from which our city benefits.”

The role of the two community representatives is to assist the Community Assistance Sub-Committee in making assessments and recommendations for payments to groups applying for Council funding. The Community Assistance Sub-Committee is made up of four elected Councillors, an iwi appointed representative, the two community representatives and separate events and arts representatives.

The committee meets twice a year, in May and November, to disburse some $674,800.00 in grant money. There are usually about 100 applications for the various grants in each round. This entails a large amount of reading applications prior to the Committee meeting and assessing the recommendations made by staff concerning those applications.

Cr Butcher adds “We are looking for two people to complement the knowledge and skills of the existing committee. We are looking for people with extensive knowledge of community groups, as we fund a diverse range of arts, recreation, community welfare and events projects.”

Nomination forms can be collected from the Community and Recreation Services Team, level 6, Civic Centre, or by calling Cara Paterson – Community Advisor on phone 474-3792.