Sade Developments Resource Consent Declined

Taupo District Council

Saturday 9 February 2008, 9:14AM

By Taupo District Council



At a meeting of the Regulatory and Hearings Committee yesterday, a decision to decline resource consent to subdivide a rural site located at 287 Whakaroa Road (Sade Developments) into 86 low density residential allotments within eleven clusters was minuted.

The Regulatory and Hearings Committee had heard the application during the week commencing 10 December 2007, in a joint hearing with Environment Waikato.

The Committee’s decision concluded that the proposal would create adverse effects associated with changing that area’s existing rural character and amenity. They also determined that the number and size of the proposed primarily residential allotments, entailed an urban form of development. The proposal was also outside of future growth areas identified by Council’s TD2050 Growth Management Strategy and the District Plan as being suitable to accommodate future residential development.

Environment Waikato found that the effects on matters that they hold jurisdiction over (discharges, stormwater and earthworks) would be no more than minor, and were therefore able to grant consent to those elements of the application. However, as Taupo District Council declined resource consent for subdivision and land use, the application is unable to proceed.

Bonshaw Park Subdivision Applications Declined 

At a meeting of the Regulatory and Hearings Committee yesterday, a decision to decline resource consent to six separate applications to subdivide allotments within Bonshaw Park was also minuted.

The Regulatory and Hearings Committee heard the applications during the week of 18 December 2007. The Committee concluded that the number and size of the proposed new allotments would create adverse effects on that area’s existing rural character and amenity. Resource consent was therefore declined for all six applications.