Council staff member celebrates 50 years of service
A much-valued member of the Hamilton City Council team recently celebrated the extraordinary achievement of 50 years service to the city.
Dan Tawha joined Council on 17 January 1958 as a Leading Hand in the Water Department. Since then Dan has held several positions within the water section of Council and has had played a role in many of the major projects in Hamilton. Dan is now Contracts Engineer with Water and Waste Services.
In the 1960’s Dan was involved in relocating water services to enable the lowering of the railway line under Victoria St. When the new water treatment station opened in Peacocks Rd, Dan played a major part in installing the bulk main system throughout the city to link the reservoirs and complete the ring feed network. Hamilton has a strong water reticulation system and Dan can take much credit for this. He has trained many new recruits to the city and his high standards played a major part in achieving the quality system we enjoy today.
Dan is known for his intimate knowledge of Hamilton's water networks, which is invaluable when working on some of the oldest parts of the water network that were put down at a time when detailed records were not always kept.
A special long service morning tea was held to celebrate Dan’s 50 years with Council last month. Mayor Bob Simcock, Deputy Mayor Pippa Mahood and CEO Michael Redman joined Dan's family and many of his past and present colleagues to mark the significant occasion.
Mr Redman spoke about the changes that Dan has seen over 50 years at Council and in Hamilton together with the valued service that he has given Council.
“Dan started work at Council in 1958 as a Leading Hand in the Waterworks section based in Ward St and has since held 7 positions during his time at Council, he has seen 10 Mayors and 7 CEO’s come and go during that time. Dan’s achievement means he will always holds a special place in Council’s history.”
Dan says that he has really enjoyed working work at Council and that working on the water system is something that he has had a passion for.
“The last 50 years have seen some major changes in the way we work and the development of new technology out on site has been amazing. I remember the days when we used to dig trenches with wire rope diggers. The ground used to shake all around us, nowadays there are hydraulic diggers, laser alignment and plastic pipes that are so much easier and safer to work with.”
When asked about his plans for the next 50 years, Dan says he still plans to be around and doesn’t want to take up fishing full time just yet.