'M.I.A' MP claims credit for key initiatives in PM’s speech

Green Party

Tuesday 12 February 2008, 5:39PM

By Green Party


Green MP Nandor Tanczos is welcoming the specific endorsement of two of his initiatives in the Prime Minister’s speech today.

“The Prime Minister made it clear today that two Green Party initiatives - my Waste Minimisation (Solids) Bill, and of the Victim’s Rights Inquiry that I initiated in the Justice and Electoral select committee - are key planks of the Government's agenda.

"Pretty good when we are not part of the Government, and not even supporting it on confidence motions."

“I was described as 'missing in action' by John Armstrong at the end of last year. I'm pleased the PM doesn't share that view,” says Nandor

The Victim’s Rights inquiry was initiated by Nandor following the passage of the Prisoners and Victim Claims Compensation Bill.

“Our judicial system is set up to meet the ‘needs’ of judges, prosecutors and defence counsel above anyone else. The rights of victims are often overlooked and it's well time that the Government addresses this,” Nandor says.

“The Justice and Electoral Select Committee Victim’s Rights Inquiry report presented 38 recommendations to make our judicial system more just from the point of view of complainants and victims. News today that the Government is planning on taking up a number of the recommendations – including the Charter of Victims’ Rights – is fantastic.

“I hope the Government will also support our call for a single agency to advocate for victims and work with agencies to better meet the needs of victims.

The Waste Bill, which was initiated by former Green MP Mike Ward, was taken over by Nandor after the 2005 election, and passed its first reading in 2006. If passed it will be the most comprehensive legislation to address waste minimisation and resource recovery in New Zealand's history. It is currently with the Local Government and Environment Select Committee, which is due to report back at the beginning of March.