Council seeks good response

Manawatu District Council

Wednesday 13 February 2008, 5:05PM

By Manawatu District Council



MANAWATU District Council is hoping for a good response from Rongotea residents to a questionnaire about an option to install a reticulated drinking water supply for the town.

This call follows a public meeting in Rongotea on Monday night (11/2/08) attended by more than 100 people to discuss a move by the Ministry of Health to offer financial assistance to qualifying communities on the installation of new or upgraded public water supplies.

Water Manager, Wayne Spencer, said it was important that as many people as possible respond to the questionnaire which asked if they supported a community-based drinking water supply scheme in Rongotea or not. Residents have until Friday, February 29, to reply.

“If there is a strong response, it means the survey results are more indicative of what the community wishes,” said Mr Spencer. “If only half the community responds, then there is no idea of what the other half thinks.”

Manawatu District Mayor, Ian McKelvie, opened the meeting, which was addressed by David Bridges, principal engineer of consultancy company, Good Earth Matters, and senior health protection officer, Peter Wood. Questions from the floor were then answered.

Residents were told the initial estimate for a scheme at Rongotea was $4 million, with the possibility of up to a 95 percent funding subsidy. Ongoing operational and maintenance costs to be funded through rates were estimated to be from $250 to $350 per rateable property per year.

“The council is not trying to force a water supply on the community,” said Mr Spencer, “but providing it with the information it hopefully requires to make a decision.

“If the Rongotea community wishes council to pursue a water supply on its behalf, it will do so, but if it is happy to remain with storage tanks, then council is quite happy with that as well.”