Public transport forums

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Tuesday 19 February 2008, 4:34PM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



Greater Wellington regional council is organising a series of community forums next month for people to learn more about commitments already made by Greater Wellington, and options for other possible enhancements to the region’s bus and train network.

Peter Glensor, chair of Greater Wellington’s transport and access committee, said Greater Wellington had already made commitments to huge improvements in public transport. “But more improvements are needed. All of these changes carry a large cost – to ratepayers, taxpayers and fare-paying passengers. Some of the future options being considered for Metlink – Greater Wellington’s public transport network - will involve further significant investments and possible increases to rates and fares.”

He said exciting improvements and innovations to the public transport network were planned over the next few years.

“We have more than 60 brand new trolley buses coming this year; 70 new state-of-the -art electric trains will be on line from 2010 and we are working towards real time information and integrated ticketing over the next few years.

“These innovations will make getting around our Greater Wellington region on public transport much easier and smoother. We want to have the kind of network where, for example, you can use one ticket to catch buses and trains from Waitangirua to Island Bay, and you can rely on public transport via screens and text messages that tell you when your next train or bus connection is actually due.

“However, these substantial improvements to our transport network come at a price which will inevitably have an impact on ratepayers. Therefore, it’s imperative that we encourage our communities to think about the pros and cons of the various options, and their implications for fares and rates.”

Forums will be held in Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Kapiti and Wellington City at the end of March and early April. Details of dates and venues are still being finalised and will be released as soon as they are available.