Charities Commission confirms muzzling role

Judith Collins

Thursday 21 February 2008, 7:23AM

By Judith Collins


The Charities Commission has all but confirmed it will be doing Labour’s dirty work and effectively muzzling advocacy groups under provisions of the new Charities Act, says National’s Family spokeswoman, Judith Collins.

"The commission’s chief executive, Trevor Garrett, today told the Social Services Select Committee that charities such as Barnados, the Salvation Army, Age Concern, Peace Movement Aotearoa, and the Royal New Zealand RSA can expect to be ‘monitored’ by the [Government-appointed] Charities Commission.

"This is blatant state censorship of groups for whom advocacy is their raison d’être. They are specifically set up to lobby the government over issues that are vitally important to the people they represent."

Ms Collins says Mr Garrett’s admission is chilling and confirms exactly what National had feared the Charities Act would do.

"This is a vehicle for Labour to introduce censorship and gagging of political activity for groups whose voices need to be heard the most.

"What we will see is charities being penalised for disagreeing with the Government.
"Helen Clark has always maintained that the advocacy role of charities would not be affected by this legislation. She even said ‘there’s obviously no intention to in any way threaten such organisations’. Her claims have been contradicted by Mr Garrett.

"Charities are not stupid. No matter how Labour tries to dress up this undemocratic piece of legislation, they know they either have to shut up to keep their tax-free status, or continue to speak out and miss out on the exemptions.

"It’s a double-whammy for these groups which have already been muzzled by Labour’s self-serving Electoral Finance Act."