Labour blocks move to fix bail law blunders

Thursday 21 February 2008, 4:22PM

By Simon Power


The National Party today attempted to introduce a bill to Parliament that makes it harder for people suspected of serious crime to get bail – including preventing a repeat of the bail-for-medals deal – but Labour blocked the move.

National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power, sought leave to introduce the Bail Amendment Bill, which seeks to repeal Labour's 2007 Bail Act changes.

"I'm staggered that Labour would refuse me leave to introduce a bill that puts public safety first.

"Labour's changes last year made it easier for people to get bail and we wanted to reverse that.

"Since then there have been some horrific examples of that law failing, and National wanted to move before it was too late.

"We also wanted to prevent a repeat of the bail-for-medals deal done with an inmate this week, so our bill provided that 'the court should not take into account any assistance a defendant has provided, or offered to provide, in respect of any criminal investigation.'

"There is a serious question to answer: Have any circumstances changed since this individual was first denied bail?

"The answer is no. The only thing that has changed is that he is now out on bail after doing a deal.

"By allowing that sort of deal to occur, there is a real risk that those incarcerated can arrange to steal to order so they can do a deal to get out on bail. We want to block that.

"I don't understand how any government could firstly make it easier for people suspected of serious and violent crime to wander our streets, and then block a bid to correct that mistake.

"Labour has missed a golden opportunity to put this right. A National Government will ensure that public safety, not a reduction in prison numbers, is the paramount consideration in all relevant justice legislation."

Click to download (Word format) National's Bail Amendment Bill