Council looks forward to Budget Debate

Waitaki District Council

Thursday 21 February 2008, 4:40PM

By Waitaki District Council



Following a series of budget workshops, the Council will meet to debate projects to be progressed over the coming year on Tuesday 26th February.

Two workshops were held on the 13th and 19th February to review proposed projects and expenditure for the 2008/2009 year. Councillors and officers spent a considerable amount time reviewing budget proposals and have identified some potential cost savings and projects to be debated at the Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 26th February.

The workshops and debate will assist the Council to prepare its draft Annual Plan for 2008/2009 which will set out proposed rate levels and provide information on projects the Council will be progressing over the next year. The draft Annual Plan will be consulted on during April and May 2008 and the community are encouraged to become involved in this process.

The Council indicated in its ten year 2006 – 2016 Community Plan that in 2008/2009 total rates were expected to increase by 6.8%. Council expenditure and projects are reviewed as part of the process of preparing an Annual Plan.

Mayor Alex Familton said, “We will be working hard over the next few weeks to produce a draft Annual Plan that balances residents expectations about service levels with their concern that rates be kept at an affordable level. We know the public are concerned with rate costs, and despite the challenge presented by contract and debt commitments, I am confident Councillors will be focussed on those concerns. We will all work together to balance the costs and services provided by the Council when the draft Annual Plan is released for consultation in April.”