Botanic Garden Pine Removal Will Make Stage Safer

Wellington City Council

Saturday 23 February 2008, 11:01AM

By Wellington City Council



The Dell in the Botanic Garden will be closed to the public for a few days next week while two pine trees are removed.

The trees are close to the outdoor stage, which is used for events like the Teddy Bears Picnic, and are being removed to make the area safer.

Wellington City Council Manager of Botanic and Natural Areas David Sole says the larger of the two trees, thought to be more than 100 years old, is deteriorating at a rapid rate and nearing the end of its natural life. It was one of a number of potentially hazardous trees identified in an independent survey of Botanic Garden trees that are now being progressively removed.

"The tree's canopy has virtually disintegrated and it has a lot of dead wood that will start to come down during storms. The other tree, further up the bank, is growing in a position that will cause problems later on," he says. "It makes sense to remove it at the same time while we have the equipment available."

The work will be carried out by Treescape Ltd using a large crane. It will begin on Monday 25 February and take about three days.

Mr Sole says the stage will still have a lovely green back-drop because the trees that are being removed are surrounded by regenerating native forest.

"Their removal is not going to make a significant difference to the ambience of the Dell but it will make it a safer venue, particularly in windy weather."

For safety reasons, the Dell and part of Serpentine Way, the track that goes up the hill alongside the Dell, will be closed to the public for the duration of the operation. People should avoid all work areas, which will be clearly marked, and take care on the driveway adjacent to the Lady Norwood Rose Garden because it will be used by trucks at times.

The Council will also be removing a number of other hazardous trees in the area over the next few weeks.

  • Two large pine trees will be removed from Bolton Street Memorial Park next week. The trees are located directly above the north-bound lane of the motorway and need to be removed because of the risk they would pose if they were to come down in a storm. The work is due to start on Wednesday 27 February and will take one to two days. Contractors Treescape will use a crane, positioned on part of the Tinakori Road off-ramp, to remove the trees. The off-ramp will remain open with only minor disruptions to traffic expected. Several small tracks around the tree removal site will be closed.
  • Five trees will be removed from the bank above the roadway into the Lady Norwood Rose Garden in March.
  • Two large pines in Kelburn Park are expected to be removed in March. The trees are also within fall distance of the motorway.