Labour failing young mums

Judith Collins

Monday 25 February 2008, 1:14PM

By Judith Collins


New figures that show thousands of teenage mothers are remaining on a benefit years after first getting them are further proof that Labour is failing to help teenage mothers, says National's Welfare spokeswoman, Judith Collins.

Ministry of Social Development figures show that 3,751 16-19 year olds are on the Domestic Purposes Benefit – more than when Labour took office – and that 9,260 20-24 year olds currently on the DPB have been on it since they were teenagers.

"The fact is that teenage mums are not coming off benefits.

"Most of them are not completing their education and, as a result, they and their children have limited opportunity.

"A 24-year-old who has been on the DPB from 16, with no education, no employment history, and probably no confidence, will find it that much harder to get into the workforce.

"These figures show that Labour is content to let teenage mothers languish on benefits with their prospects reducing by the year – too many are being left to cope with major issues with very little support.

"This wasted potential is there for us all to see: teenage parents with no plans for their or their children's future.

"MSD's own research has found that 74% of those aged 19 or under and on the DPB would still be on it in 10 years' time.

"A National Government will focus on young beneficiaries, with teenage parents specifically catered for.

"Programmes incorporating childcare, parenting advice, and tailored education will be developed to meet their particular needs.

"A pregnant teen or teen parent might not be able to access a place in a teen parent unit, but could stand to gain a lot from a specialised parenting course.

"It's vital they complete their education so a lifetime on the DPB does not become their only option."