Business NZ insight into English spending cuts

Infonews Editor

Thursday 10 May 2007, 6:20PM

By Infonews Editor


It's time Mr English fronted up and explained to New Zealand voters and his free spending caucus colleagues what else would be cut.


The elderly, students and hard working Kiwi families beware - a new report by Business NZ suggests how National finance spokesman Bill English might slash spending to afford big tax cuts, warned Finance Minister Michael Cullen today.

"Mr English is refusing to participate in a select committee inquiry into monetary policy alternatives, preferring to label government spending as the root cause of all our high interest rate/high dollar problems.

"However, Mr English refuses to clarify what exactly he would do. Now, we have an insight into his secret agenda.

"The Business New Zealand's paper looks at alternatives to monetary policy. It singles out a number of spending initiatives making a real difference to people's lives, labelling them 'of dubious and unproven value'.

"It suggests cutting last year's extension to Working for Families, scrapping interest free student loans and the rates rebate scheme and reintroducing income and asset testing for superannuation.

"Business NZ is right, slashing spending in these areas would make a real difference to government spending. But it would hurt those most vulnerable.

"National leader John Key has confirmed he will cut Working for Families if he gets a chance. It's time Mr English fronted up and explained to New Zealand voters and his free spending caucus colleagues what else would be cut," said Dr Cullen.