MPs impress in NZ Music Month Quiz

Infonews Editor

Thursday 10 May 2007, 10:06PM

By Infonews Editor


MPs show that they know quite a lot about the NZ Music scene in this years Annual NZ Music Month Quiz.


"I am delighted with the results of my annual NZ Music Month quiz and it shows that MPs are thinking about the range of music on offer in NZ," says Judith Tizard.

"The aim of the quiz is to make my colleagues aware of New Zealand music."

This year Ruth Dyson is the winner, scoring 99% in Judith Tizard's annual music month quiz. There was only half a point between her and Trevor Mallard, Lianne Dalziel & Simon Power. Sue Moroney gets a special mention for completing the quiz without assistance.

"Most of the MPs sought help from staff or friends, but whether they already knew the answers, asked around or did their research, I'm pleased that my colleagues took such an interest in wanting to get the answers right. And the intense rivalry between MPs and their offices to win just adds to it!"

NZ music now accounts for over 20% of airplay. And during music month last year over 28% of all music sold domestically was New Zealand music.

"New Zealand music has well and truly arrived. Creative industries like music are a vital plank in growing an innovative New Zealand and they are also a high growth sector in our economy".

"I congratulate all who entered and I hope they enjoyed finding out more about the wonderful New Zealand music that surrounds us," Judith Tizard said.