Vote of Confidence Welcomed by Maori Party

Maori Party

Sunday 2 March 2008, 1:31PM

By Maori Party


Dr Pita Sharples is excited that the Marae Digipoll announced today indicates all seven Maori electorate seats will go to the Maori Party in Election 2008.

"This is a huge vote of confidence for us" said Dr Sharples.

"The Digipoll shows a complete swing to the Maori Party - a result which consolidates the very positive trend in our direction over the last three digipolls".

"We are particularly delighted that as we are about to choose our Ikaroa Rawhiti candidate, the Digipoll indicates 54% of voters are looking for a Maori Party candidate".

"The other great result for us is that 83% of voters on the Maori Roll, and 60% on the General Roll were either satisfied or very satisfied with our performance" said Mrs Turia.

"The hard work has paid off" said Mrs Turia. "It has been a privilege to serve - and now the hard work will continue".

"The survival of tangata whenua, to thrive as a distinctive and independent people, has become the uniting force for our people".

"The party vote is critical for us to lift our seat numbers" said Mrs Turia.

"We know we can be a unifying force for Aotearoa - it's all full steam ahead now".