Northern Parks the Focus of New Draft Plan

Wellington City Council

Monday 3 March 2008, 12:51PM

By Wellington City Council



Northern suburbs’ sportsfields, play areas, reserves and parks are the focus of a new draft management plan that is available for public feedback from today (3 March).

Wellington City Council's Environment Portfolio Leader, Councillor Celia Wade-Brown, says the Council really wants people who use or have an interest in the more than 100 parks and reserves from Ngauranga to Tawa to take a look at the draft Northern Reserves Management Plan and comment.

"Earlier input from the community has helped shape this draft plan. Now we need to hear what northern residents, and interested people and groups from other areas, think of the proposals and priorities," she says. "Feedback and suggestions are required by Friday 2 May and will help us develop the final management plan."

The plan, a first for these parks, will guide the day-to-day management and decision-making for the reserves for the next 10 years. It includes a draft vision, objectives and policies that have been developed following earlier community feedback on a management plan discussion document in 2004, the Northern Growth Management Framework (NGMF) and discussions with community groups.

General plans include protecting the existing character of ridges and hilltops, significant areas of native bush and important landscape features. A future study looking at sportsfield requirements, including possible partnerships with schools and the development of artificial surfaces for training purposes, is proposed as well as a study on young people's outdoor recreation needs.

Upgrades of key community parks, including Grasslees Reserve in Tawa and Johnsonville's Memorial and Alex Moore parks, are proposed. The plan also suggests a proposal be developed for the upgrade of Glenside Reserve and the future use of the Halfway House in the reserve.

Future reserve requirements in new subdivisions such as Lincolnshire Farms and Stebbings Valley are covered along with plans for playgrounds in the area. Upgrades are proposed for a number of play areas including the Gilbert Young play area in Fraser Avenue and those at Raroa Park, Lyndhurst Park, Chorley Grove, Grenada North Park, Edward Wilson Reserve, Brandon's Rock, Lynfield Lane, Cheyne Walk, Salford Street, Kipling Street and Branscombe Street.

Once play area upgrades, or new playgrounds, have been completed nearby, it is proposed that the old play equipment be removed from Kowhai Park, Mahoe Reserve, Larsen Park, Burbank Crescent Reserve and Meekswood Reserve.

The plan also has a list of proposed new tracks, including a walkway along the Porirua Stream, and suggestions on the order they could be developed.

Brochures with a feedback form and copies of the full plan are available from local libraries, Council service centres or by phoning 499 4444. More information, including the full plan and feedback form, is also available on the Council's website.

Three information sessions are planned:

Wednesday 26 March, 7.30pm in the Johnsonville Community Centre, Frankmoore Avenue, Johnsonville
Wednesday 2 April, 7.30pm in the Tawa Community Centre, 3-13 Cambridge Street, Tawa
Saturday 5 April, from 9am to 12noon in the Johnsonville Mall.
Related Links
Public Input - Northern Reserves Management Plan
Northern Reserves Management Project
Parks & Playgrounds