Helicopter to Help in Hazardous Tree Removals
A helicopter is to be used this week to help remove five hazardous trees from the steep bank above the road into the Lady Norwood Rose Garden and two old pines in Kelburn Park.
Wellington City Council Botanic Gardens Manager David Sole says the work is being done for safety reasons.
"The Kelburn Park trees are within fall distance of the motorway and the Botanic Garden trees lean out over the entrance road and are becoming increasingly unstable."
The work near the Lady Norwood Rose Garden is expected to happen on Monday 10 March and take up to a day. The removals on the hillside below Kelburn Park are due to happen the following day (Tuesday 11 March). Both jobs are dependent on weather and could be postponed until later in the week or early the following week if it is too wet or windy.
Pedestrians and road users on Glenmore Street and the road to the rose garden will be stopped for short periods as the helicopter moves logs overhead.
Mr Sole says the work will be noisy at times.
"We ask people to bear with us while we get it done and apologise for any inconvenience."