NZ to help build Solomon Islands homes

Rt Hon Winston Peters

Monday 10 March 2008, 10:15AM

By Rt Hon Winston Peters


Thousands of homes damaged or destroyed by earthquake and tsunami in the Solomon Islands last April are to be rebuilt with help from New Zealand, Foreign Minister Winston Peters announced today.

“Funding from New Zealand of $1.5 million over two years will help communities in Western Province rebuild and repair around 3500 houses,” Mr Peters said.

“This assistance will complement $3 million provided by Solomon Islands Government, which has been distributed through members of parliament. Australia is also providing $A1.6 million to help rebuild homes on Gizo island and in Choiseul province.

“The funding forms part of New Zealand’s $7.5 million tsunami recovery package announced last year, which also included support for rebuilding schools and improving the livelihoods of rural fishers.

“The government’s international aid agency, NZAID, will work with World Vision in the Solomons to supply equipment and materials for the rebuilding work, as well as training builders in techniques that will ensure houses have greater stability in any future earthquakes,” Mr Peters said.