Next step underway for sub-loop related services

Commerce Commission

Monday 10 March 2008, 7:02PM

By Commerce Commission


The Commission today issued notices requiring Telecom to submit a standard terms proposal for the following sub-loop related services:. 

unbundled copper local loop from Telecom's distribution cabinets;
backhaul from Telecom's distribution cabinet to the exchange; 
co-location services at Telecom's distribution cabinets.

The sub-loop is the copper telephone wire that runs from a Telecom distribution cabinet to an end-user's premises. Unbundling of the sub loop will allow other telecommunications providers to use Telecom's copper network to deliver services to their own customers. The associated co-location service allows other providers to put their local loop equipment in Telecom's distribution cabinets.

The notices require Telecom to specify the non-price terms and conditions on which it proposes to provide access to these services to other telecommunications providers.

"This is part of the process of enabling telecommunications providers access to Telecom's distribution cabinets," says Telecommunications Commissioner Dr Ross Patterson.

"Timeframes for this step were set after discussion with the industry, and this timeframe will provide Telecom and access seekers with an opportunity to develop and discuss the non-price terms of access prior to Telecom submitting the proposal to the Commission for assessment, " says Dr Patterson.

"Providing opportunities for negotiation and agreement in the early stages should save time later in the determination process".

The Commission conducted scoping workshops on these sub-loop related services on 27 February 2008.

After receiving Telecom's standard terms proposal, the Commission will seek submissions from access seekers before issuing a draft standard terms determination for further industry consultation, after which a final determination will be made. Telecom is required to make their submission to the Commerce Commission by 27 June 2008.


The sub-loop unbundled copper local loop (UCLL) service for the purpose of this determination process runs from a point in Telecom's distribution cabinet to an end-user's home. Access to the UCLL allows operators to provide voice and/or broadband services from Telecom's roadside cabinets.

The sub-loop backhaul service for the purpose of this determination provides transmission capacity between Telecom's local telephone exchange (or equivalent facility) and Telecom's distribution cabinet (or equivalent facility).

The sub-loop co-location service enables access to Telecom's distribution cabinet (or equivalent facility) for installation of equipment such as Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAMs).

It is intended that a standard terms determination should be comprehensive enough and contain sufficient detail so that there is no need for an access seeker and access provider to enter into a separate agreement for provision of the service within the specified timeframe.

A brief overview of the key steps in a standard terms determination process is available on the Commission's web site under Industry Regulation/Telecommunications/Standard Terms Determinations/Overview