Affordable and community housing plan change

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tuesday 11 March 2008, 10:37AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



A summary of submissions for the Queenstown Lakes District Council affordable and community housing plan change will be notified tomorrow (Wednesday), said QLDC senior policy analyst-housing Scott Figenshow.

The plan change process means that further submissions can be made on any original submission. “Council received a total of 29 submissions, with 10 in support and 19 opposed, and a total of 109 points of submission,” Mr Figenshow said.

The most commonly cited opposition to the plan change raised the following matters:

Whether the council is able to consider affordable housing matters through its district plan.
Whether the Affordable Housing: Enabling Territorial Authorities Bill should first deliver legislative certainty before the council progresses the plan change.
Whether the council has ensured that there is enough residentially zoned land to enable the market to meet demands for affordable housing without regulation.

In terms of the Bill, the outcome would not necessarily delivery any certainty, Mr Figenshow said. The Bill was introduced to Parliament in December 2007 and was referred to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee.

“The feeling from local government is that the Bill as it stands is not adequate to provide mechanisms for councils to implement affordable housing policies. Local Government New Zealand has recommended an alternate Bill,” LGNZ senior policy analyst Victoria Owen said.

The council had submitted to the Bill, in support of the LGNZ submission and its Alternate Bill, Mr Figenshow said. The Select Committee was due to report back to the House in June.

Meanwhile, several developers had come out in support of the council’s plan change. Three of the supportive submissions indicated that their proposed developments intend to provide affordable housing as part of their developments: Brecon Street Partnership Ltd: corner Brecon Street and Cemetery Road, Queenstown; Mount Cardrona Station Ltd: Cardrona; City Pacific Ltd Lakeview.

Others opposing the plan change included H and J Smith Holdings, Pak’n Save and Jacks Point Limited (the first developer to volunteer an affordable housing contribution).

Further submissions are due by 16 April 2008, more information is available on the council website