Vehicle Scrappage Scheme

Infonews Editor

Monday 14 May 2007, 2:22PM

By Infonews Editor



Auckland drivers can reduce traffic and clean up their air by trading in their old vehicles for $400 worth of bus and rail passes.


Drivers can reduce traffic and clean up Auckland's air by trading in their old vehicles sooner rather than later says Associate Transport Minister and Auckland Issues Minister Judith Tizard.
Minister Tizard was in Auckland today to launch a trial programme which targets unwarranted vehicles, vehicles that won't pass their next warrant or when the warrant will cost more than the vehicle.
"If you cringe every time your car is due for a warrant, then consider trading it in for $400 worth of bus and rail passes. What better way to try public transport?" says Minister Tizard.
This type of vehicle could be a second family run-about car to ferry children to sport and school or a student vehicle says Minister Tizard.
"Emissions from a late 80s or early 90s vehicle can be 10 times, even 100 times greater than from today's modern vehicles."
Four organisations came up with the Auckland-based pilot which if successful could be rolled out across the country says Minister Tizard.
"The Ministry of Transport, Auckland Regional Council, Auckland Regional Transport Authority and the Broken Car Collection Company have formed a formidable partnership.
"They want to tackle dangerous vehicle emissions, improve public health and recycle resources. And I'm right behind them."
By calling a free 0800 number the public can have their old vehicles picked up from anywhere in Auckland. The vehicle is then taken away, scrapped and recycled says Minister Tizard.
"The trial will help us to establish the effectiveness of the programme. Over a longer period of time we would expect to see fewer old cars on the road, a reduction in harmful emissions and less traffic congestion.
"The key to unlocking New Zealand's potential is to put sustainable thinking at the heart of everything we do.
"This initiative can make a huge difference over time, it's a sustainable pollution solution and I urge Aucklanders to support it," says Minister Tizard.

1. Why is this scheme being trialled?

The scheme is a trial designed to encourage the public to trade in their old vehicle and exchange it for a period of subsidised public bus and train tickets. It is known that older, poorly maintained vehicles tend to be less fuel efficient and emit more harmful emissions, this is why we want to have them taken off the roads. This scheme is one way to assess how we can best remove these types of vehicles from our roads.

2. What about classic vehicles, are they being targeted?

No. This trial is designed to target poorly maintained, older vehicles. Owners of classic cars usually maintain their vehicles to a high standard.

3. What is the trial designed to achieve?

It is designed to assess the effectiveness of an incentive, in this case bus and train passes to encourage people to hand in their old vehicle and use public transport instead.

4. Who is involved in the trial?

The Auckland Regional Council (, Auckland Regional Transport Authority (, The Broken Car Collection Company and Ministry of Transport (

5. How long is the trial running for?

Six weeks or until all of the available public transport passes have been given away.

6. What happens to the vehicles after they are collected?

Information will be gathered from the vehicles including make, model, odometer reading and year of manufacture. A percentage of these vehicles will also undertake an emissions test which will consist of a two speed idle test for petrol vehicles and snap acceleration test for diesel vehicles. Pollutants tested include carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.

The emissions test will assess the engine's health and give an idea as to how the vehicle was performing while in-service.

The Broken Car Collection Company will then process the vehicles removing and recycling the appropriate parts.

Information gathered from the trial will also feed into policy development regarding ways to address the ageing 'tail end' of New Zealand's vehicle fleet.

7. What happens to the information you collect?

This information will be used to follow up on how successful the trial was at encouraging people away from older polluting vehicles and into public transport.

8. Who should I contact if I want someone to collect my vehicle?

Please contact The Broken Car Collection Company, 0800 009 006.

9. What is being done to improve public transport in Auckland?

The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) was put in place by Government at the end of 2004 specifically to address Auckland's car congestion problem. ARTA has a ten year programme of activities including the Passenger Transport Network Plan, to develop Auckland's transport network and services to the level that a city of Auckland's size should have.

To date rail patronage has grown from 2 million passenger journeys in 2002 to almost 6 million in 2007. Bus patronage is up, especially on Auckland's North Shore which saw the introduction of the Northern Express bus service at the end of 2005. Ferry patronage continues to grow.

10. Why is this trial being undertaken in Auckland and not elsewhere?

Auckland is unique in that much of its air quality problem can be attributed to vehicle emissions. In most other centres, the major source of air pollution is home heating. This trial will therefore have the greatest benefit to the Auckland region.

11. What are the health impacts of vehicle exhaust emissions?

Poor air quality can be a significant cause of health problems, including asthma, heart disease and bronchitis. Anyone may be affected by poor air quality, with children and the elderly most at risk.

A National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA) report commissioned by the Ministry of Transport and released in 2002 estimates that around 400 people die prematurely each year from exposure to vehicle emissions. The problem is worse in cities and towns with high traffic rates and congestion where a large segment of the population is exposed to air pollution.

12. What are the environmental impacts of vehicle exhaust emissions?

The health and environmental impacts of vehicle exhaust emissions are closely linked. Environmental problems caused by air pollution are less direct and quantifiable than health impacts, and include such things as poor visibility (including smog and haze) and staining of building surfaces. Air pollution can also damage New Zealand's international reputation for having a clean environment.

Evidence suggests that carbon dioxide is the most damaging of these pollutants to the environment. This is a 'greenhouse gas' and is associated with climate change. About 40 percent of our carbon dioxide emissions come from transport - mostly private cars - and transport is one of the biggest growth areas of New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions.