Time To Have A Say

Kaipara District Council

Tuesday 11 March 2008, 5:43PM

By Kaipara District Council



It’s your district, your Council and your rates. Have a say in what we do, urges Kaipara District Council which wants feedback on its proposed programme for 2008/09.

Its Draft Annual Plan outlines the work proposed for the year toward meeting the long term goals set in Kaipara’s Future - Working Together, the Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) 2006/2016, what it costs and where the money comes from. It also gives the community a chance to comment on all aspects of the programme and seek additions or changes.

“The only way we can really be sure we are doing what the community wants is if you tell us and taking part in the Annual Plan process is the best way to do this,” says Mayor Neil Tiller. “Please have your say. We will consider all submissions although, obviously, if we include more work it has to be paid for.”

The 2008/09 Draft Annual Plan proposes a 3.99% increase in general rates, which is in line with the 3.5% indicated in the LTCCP, despite massive cost increases in some areas like construction. It is well below last year’s 6.7%.

Council could have maintained the status quo with a 2.99% rate but the Council decided to add an extra 1% ($110,000) to improve maintenance and facilities in reserves and toilets, allocated in response to public requests concerning these areas.

Roading accounts for about 60% of the Council’s total budget and remains the highest priority. However there are serious concerns that the Government, through Land Transport New Zealand, wants Kaipara to reduce its standards.

Other significant areas where Council wants feedback include water and wastewater schemes. New standards being imposed on water supplies will result in increased costs without necessarily improving the quality of drinking water. “Are these costs affordable and what are the alternatives?” . The Council wants to know whether the Mangawhai’s stormwater project should be completed in two years instead of the 10 originally planned.

Also, how many pokie machines should there be in Kaipara? Are they a cause of problem gambling or a valuable source of community funding?

Should there be a separate Maori seat to ensure Maori representation on Council or are there are better ways of achieving this? And does the district need bylaws imposing liquor bans, parking restrictions, limits on stock movement, freedom camping or water activities?

There are a several ways to participate in the Annual Plan process. Twelve open forums are being held around the district, offering the opportunity for discussions with staff and councillors. They also feature displays and features on topics of local interest.

There is also the opportunity to make a submission by letter, fax, e-mail or online at the Council’s website . before 5pm on Wednesday 16 April.

Highlights of the Draft Annual Plan include:


Maintenance will remain at the present standard. Weight restricted bridges on Pukehuia and Tara Roads are being replaced and eight seal extension projects are proposed, subject to subsidy approval.


The increased litter collections over peak times introduced last summer were a big success and have been included again this year.


Construction of Mangawhai’s EcoCare has begun with the first stage due to start up in February 2009. A $1.2 million membrane filtration will be built at Maungaturoto to meet long term environmental standards there.

Discussions are continuing with residents at Baylys Beach, Pahi, Whakapirau and Tinopai over solutions suitable for smaller populations.

Community spaces

In addition to extra toilet cleaning and maintenance on popular reserves at peak times the increased allocation will develop a new lawn cemetery area to extend Dargaville’s Mount Wesley cemetery.

Work is underway preparing management plans for the key reserves, the Mangawhai Coastal Reserves and Harding Park/Pou Tu O Rangi in Dargaville. Mangawhai Park will follow when these are completed.

There will also be an audit of toilets, playgrounds and other structures and preparation of asset management plans for them.

District Plan review

The District Plan sets out what property owners can and cannot do with their land and Council is currently working to provide a development vision for Kaipara for the next 20 years. “It affects everyone so it is very important we get it right,” Jack McKerchar says.

Biodiversity and Heritage Funds

These have been well supported by the community and $15,000 will again be available to help protect the districts biodiversity and $10,000 to encourage people to preserve historic sites.

The consultation meetings are:

Saturday 15 March: 9am to 11am Paparoa Farmers Market.

Tuesday 18 March : 10am to noon Tinopai Community Hall. 1.30pm to 3.30pm Matakohe hall, 4pm to 6pm Ruawai Tokatoka War Memorial Hall.

Wednesday 19 March: 10am to noon Rangitane Hall, 1.30pm to 3.30pm Te Kopuru Coronation Hall, 4pm to 6pm Baylys Beach Church Hall.

Thursday 27 March: 10am to noon Kaihu Rugby Clubrooms, 1pm to 3pm Tangiteroria Sports Complex, 4pm to 6.30pm Dargaville Town Hall foyer.

Saturday 29 March: 9am to noon Maungaturoto Centennial Hall, 1pm to 5pm Mangawhai Domain Hall.