Post your vote and have your say

Auckland City Council

Saturday 15 March 2008, 2:13AM

By Auckland City Council



Voting documents for the Avondale/Roskill Ward by-election are being posted from next Tuesday, 18 March.

Eligible voters will have until noon on 9 April to choose the elected representative they want and post back their voting documents.

Dale Ofsoske, electoral officer for Auckland City Council, says elected representatives make choices that affect everything from the maintenance of parks to regional growth and planning.

"Voters should think carefully about the best person to represent them. Voting is important and easy to do."

Voting documents can be returned by post or hand delivered to the electoral office, Independent Election Services Limited, ground floor, Bledisloe House, 24 Wellesley Street West, from Tuesday, 18 March.

A person can apply to enrol as either a residential or ratepayer elector up to and including Tuesday, 8 April – the day before the close of voting.