Final confirmation of shareholder vote

Auckland Airport

Monday 17 March 2008, 10:05AM

By Auckland Airport



Auckland Airport has received final confirmation that the details of the votes disclosed to the market on Friday 14 March are correct. 

At the close of the CPPIB offer period, being 5pm on Thursday 13 March, 973,962,269 shares (representing 79.7% of the total shares in the company) were voted by shareholders, with 57.7% of those votes approving the CPPIB offer.

Final confirmation by CPPIB of the level of acceptances of the offer is expected later this week.

The difference in the timing of this final confirmation is because acceptance forms post marked before 5pm on 13 March can be counted as valid acceptances.

Votes, however, had to be received by 5pm on 13 March