Te Tiriti O Waitangi Committee holds Hui a Iwi
A unique organisation in the history of New Zealand local government – Manukau City Council’s Te Tiriti O Waitangi Committee – will present its first annual report at a hui a iwi on Wednesday 26 March.
The committee is the first to be created as a committee of a council where mana whenua and taura here representatives sit alongside an equal number of elected council members with the full powers and delegated authorities of a standing committee.
A requirement of Manukau City Council in setting up the committee was that it hold an annual hui a iwi in order to report on committee activities to the Maori communities of Manukau.
Committee Chair Cr Alf Filipaina says although the committee has been meeting since July 2006, this is the first chance to present an annual report. The delay was due to the need to conduct a review of the committee after one year of operation (also a requirement of council), and the timing of the local government elections in October last year.
“Although still in its infancy, the committee has already contributed much to the workings of council and the Manukau communities,” Cr Filipaina says, “not least being its approach to inclusive governance.
“This committee was the first standing committee of council to include a designated time for public forums. It has also met regularly on marae in Manukau, not just at council premises, in order to make itself more available to the people.”
Topics dealt with by the committee have ranged from environmental concerns such as maintenance of Manukau’s shellfish beds, wahi tapu concerns, Maori health and education, and Maori economic development.
The hui a iwi will be at Te Puea Memorial Marae, Miro Road, Mangere Bridge, commencing with a powhiri at 5.30pm.