Corrections could stop stalker writing to victims

Wednesday 19 March 2008, 9:46AM

By Simon Power


Corrections could stop a serial stalker harassing his victims from behind bars by either using the existing law to check all mail from his unit – or by just taking the pen and paper off him, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.

It was revealed that stalker Glen Goldberg, who has 191 convictions for harassment and threats, is still sending threatening mail to two people from inside prison, even though Corrections said last April that it would stop him by monitoring his mail.

"Corrections has failed completely to deliver on that promise, despite the previous Corrections Minister saying the situation was 'untenable'.

"Now that this man is in prison, these people have every right to expect to be able to rebuild their lives free from his harassment, but they can't.

"Corrections blames a lack of legislation for its inability to control him, but the fact of the matter is that Section 107 of the Corrections Act already allows them to monitor prisoners' mail where there are grounds to suspect it may be threatening.

"And since they suspect other prisoners of sending mail for him, why don't they apply the law to the whole unit so they can check all mail?

"And if that doesn't work, why don't they just take the pen and paper off him?

"People are supposed to lose most of their rights when they are sent to prison, but this man doesn't seem to be affected."