Community to Participate in Adelaide Road Workshop
The future shape and feel of the city-end of Adelaide Road will be the focus for a team of designers and planners who will get together with the community in a few weeks’ time to come up with a draft plan for the area.
A community design workshop led by internationally-renowned New Zealand urban designer Kobus Mentz, of Urbanismplus, is planned so people with an interest can participate. Mentz is renowned for his methods of engaging with communities and his ability to come up with solutions that balance community aspirations with market needs.
He has worked on town centre rejuvenation projects including Porirua, Hamilton, and Manukau and Henderson in Auckland, facilitated the Melbourne 2030 Growth Plan and the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy and been involved with major transportation projects including Auckland's Liveable Arterials Plan.
Wellington City Council's Urban Development and Transport Portfolio Leader, Councillor Andy Foster, says 184 people responded to a survey about the area that the Council carried out last year.
"We've already had some fantastic input from members of the community. Now people with an interest in this area have the chance to assist in the next stage of the process and help the design team come up with a draft plan to guide development for at least the next 10 years."
He says the area under the spotlight – between the Basin Reserve and John Street – is one of a number of areas considered ideal for accommodating some of the expected increase in the city's population because of the excellent public transport running through it, and its potential for high quality mixed-use development. The aim of the Adelaide Road – planning for the future project is to look at how the area can develop to become an attractive, vibrant and prosperous part of the city while continuing to operate as a crucial transport and public transport route.
There are two sessions that anyone with an interest can attend:
Monday 31 March, 6.30pm - 8.00pm, at the Basin Reserve, RA Vance Stand - Norwood Room. Meet the design team, find out what is happening at the workshop and contribute your ideas.
Wednesday 2 April, 12 noon - 2.00pm, at St Paul's Lutheran Church, 12 King Street (off Adelaide Road). This is an opportunity to visit the design team in the workshop, see work in progress and give feedback on the work completed so far.
The design team will produce a draft plan by the end of June. The plan will form the basis of a draft urban development framework for the area, which will be subject to further community consultation later in the year.
Related Links
Adelaide Road - Planning for the Future
Urban Development