NZ to host Forum Foreign Ministers meeting

Rt Hon Winston Peters

Tuesday 25 March 2008, 10:06AM

By Rt Hon Winston Peters


Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers will meet in Auckland on Wednesday to discuss Fiji’s progress towards elections, Foreign Minister Winston Peters said today.

"Forum leaders agreed in Nuku’alofa last October that Foreign Ministers should meet early in 2008 to review the progress Fiji’s interim government is making towards holding general elections in the first quarter of 2009,” Mr Peters said.

“The members of the Pacific Islands Forum share a common commitment to helping Fiji return to constitutional government as soon as possible.

“We will continue to encourage Fiji to build on its preparations for elections, and we all stand ready to assist and encourage this process.

“The international community has been guided by the Forum’s leadership with respect to Fiji, and I look forward to another united stand from the region on this issue.

“To enable all Forum members to participate in this important meeting, a delegation from Fiji has been granted an exemption from the travel ban the New Zealand government has in place covering members of Fiji’s interim government,” Mr Peters said.