Council Oxfam team counting down the days

Taupo District Council

Friday 28 March 2008, 8:48PM

By Taupo District Council



The Taupo District Council 2008 (TDC ‘08’) Oxfam Team are counting down the days to the 100km walk to be held next weekend (5th – 6th April).


The team are made up of four staff members Rachel Gollop (Human Resources), Mali Ahipene (Corporate Services), Nikki Keys (Great Lake Centre) and Samantha Farr (Strategic Development). Kay Ransom (Information Services) will also be taking part in the Oxfam event in ‘the Pushovers’ team consisting of locals Fiona Keegan, Trevor Strange and Murray Watson.


The Oxfam event has been labelled the world’s greatest team challenge. It involves teams of four walking 100km in less than 36 hours and it is not a relay – each person walks the equivalent of 2.5 marathons in one go.


The event raises vital funds for Oxfam’s humanitarian work around the world. One of Oxfam’s focal countries is Papua New Guinea, where peacebuilding, water, education, sustainable farming, women’s empowerment and disaster preparedness projects are improving hundreds of thousands of lives.


The TDC ‘08’ team have been in training five months now for this massive challenge and have already walked over 250km including training walks and events such as the Great Lake Relay.


“The training has been time-consuming but we feel much more confident going into the event with having done it,” said Ms Ahipene.

“And it has been great motivation to get out and complete some of the stunning walks we have around our District,” said Ms Gollop.


Nikki Keys said that the team has received huge support from friends and family.


“We would like to pass on special thanks to Thea and Ian DePetris, the Keys Family, the Farr Family, the Edge Family, Jo Morarji, Fred Gollop and Sonya Chisholm for their donations and encouragement,” said Ms Keys


The team also wanted to acknowledge the support of Barrons Recreational Vehicles, Harrison Grierson Limited, Partyline Catering, Elizabeth Arden and Taupo District Council who have all made very generous contributions to the cause.


The TDC ‘08’ Oxfam team still has $500 to raise to meet their target of $2,000 and ‘the Pushovers’ team still have a way to go to meet their fundraising goal. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated. To make a donation ring 07 376 0899 to speak to one of the team members.