Peters announces aid for Sudan, Nepal

Infonews Editor

Thursday 1 March 2007, 8:27AM

By Infonews Editor


New Zealand is to provide $1 million for humanitarian assistance in Sudan, and $500,000 for food aid in Nepal, Foreign Minister Winston Peters announced today.

"The ongoing conflict and violence in Sudan is affecting over four million people, and the situation remains volatile. It is potentially one of the worst humanitarian disasters of our time, so it is important that New Zealand continues to do what it can to assist," Mr Peters said.

"Last year we gave $1.5 million to the World Food Programme's work in the Darfur region of Sudan. This latest contribution, which is once again made through the government's development agency NZAID, will support the Red Cross, who have a well-established programme in Sudan.

"The Red Cross' work is focused on providing essential health care in remote areas, and helping communities maintain self-sufficiency. They work closely with the United Nations and other NGOs, so we can be confident that our assistance will go to those who need it most.

"New Zealand will also give $500,000 to the UNICEF Emergency Food security programme in Nepal, where the decade-long Maoist insurgency has left thousands of people displaced and homeless.

"Nepal has now entered into a peace process and our contribution will go towards the community-based care of acutely malnourished children," Mr Peters said.