Export certification and official assurances

Infonews Editor

Thursday 17 May 2007, 11:10AM

By Infonews Editor


All New Zealand grape wines that are exported from New Zealand must be eligible for export in accordance with the Wine (New Zealand Grape Wine Export Eligibility Requirements) Notice 2006.

The export eligibility process was initially established at the request of the grape wine industry to help protect the international reputation of New Zealand wine.

NZFSA administers these requirements, but day to day operation is contracted to the Wine Export Certification Service (WECS) managed by New Zealand Winegrowers in Auckland. NZFSA oversees the operation of WECS on a daily basis and approves every export eligibility statement and VI-1 certificate that is issued.

Every New Zealand grape wine intended for export for the purpose of trade must meet the export eligibility requirements set out in the Wine (New Zealand Grape Wine Export Eligibility Requirements) Notice 2006. This means that the wine must:

Be free from obvious fault; and
Have a related set of audited wine making records that enable tracability and accuracy of label statements to be determined.
All grape wine samples submitted for export eligility approval will undergo a sensory evaluation to ensure that the wine is free from obvious fault.

New Zealand Winegrowers have produced a Record Keeping Code of Practice which provides guidance to help wine makers meet export eligibility requirements.

Each consignment of wine that meets export eligibility requirements will be issued with an Export Eligibility Statement and unique identifier. This confirms to New Zealand Customs Service that the wine is approved as eligible for export. The Export Eligibility Statement has replaced the document formerly called the Certificate of Compliance.

Export consignments are randomly sampled to ensure that they correspond with samples submited for export eligibility approval. Random samples are chemically analysed to check for discrepancies. A final crosscheck against Customs records ensures that export eligibility statements are not misused once they have been issued.

The export eligibility system also provides a basis for the issue of official assurances that may be required by foreign governments in respect of New Zealand wine exports. However, further steps may be necessary in order to meet particular overseas market access requirements (OMARs). Currently, New Zealand grape wine that is exported to the European Union must undergo independent laboratory analysis and obtain a VI-1 certificate. This is an official assurance that the wine meets specific EC market access requirements

NZFSA is committed to an ongoing review of the WECS to enhance its efficiency and ensure its integrity in the face of the forecast growth in wine exports.

Crown Funding for Wine Laboratory Analysis

Wine Legislation

Wine (New Zealand Grape Wine Export Eligibility Requirements) Notice 2006
New Zealand Grape Wine Export Code
Wine Export Code Implementation Timeline
Waiver of Fees and Charges - Wine Regulations and Charges 2006