Oamaru Town Centre Upgrade

Waitaki District Council

Tuesday 1 April 2008, 11:09AM

By Waitaki District Council



On April 8, Council is expected to approve a recommendation that will see further improvements made to the Oamaru town centre. Changes to the town centre planned for 2008 include installing street furniture and paving stones and undertaking further landscaping through tree planting.


This next stage of town centre rejuvenation is in line with Council’s ten year Waitaki Community Plan which includes funding for this work over a five year period.


The west side of Thames Street from Coquet Street to Ribble Street will have grey Firth pavers laid and new street furniture installed, all of which will mirror the streetscape on the eastern side of Thames Street.


New trees will be planted in Lower Thames Street in the central parking median to replace the trees that have been removed because they were either unstable or were dying.


This upgrade has been timed to take advantage of the opportunities presented by Transit New Zealand’s own upgrading projects this year on State Highway One. Transit is upgrading the northern end of Thames Street that forms part of State Highway One, a length of road that it controls. By coordinating both Council’s and Transit’s projects, disruptions to the public will be minimised and cost savings will be made.