Violent crime up 43% since Labour became Govt

Tuesday 1 April 2008, 10:45PM

By Simon Power


The latest crime statistics show that violent crime has continued to worsen markedly under the Labour Government, says National's Justice spokesman, Simon Power.

"Labour claims it's on top of crime, but the cold hard facts are that last year violent crime continued the disturbing upward spiral that has been evident since Labour was elected in 1999.

"Every year, Labour have tried to claim they are on top of crime, but these numbers show they are failing."

Last year, violent crime increased by 12.3% compared to 2006, with grievous assaults up 17.4%, serious assaults 16.3%, minor assaults up 10.4%, intimidation and threats up 11.2%, and group assemblies up 26%.

"It's very worrying when those type of crimes increase by that much in just one year.

"But perhaps even more concerning is the huge rise in violent crime since Labour became the Government.

"Since 1999, violent crime has risen by a massive 43.6%, from 39,688 to 56,983 offences, with grievous assaults nearly doubling, up 93% from 2,495 offences to 4,831, robberies up 65% to 2,610, and serious assaults up 53% to 20,623, while sex crimes have risen by 18%, to 3,585 offences.

"This is all about crimes against people, and this Government is failing to deliver safer communities.

"Crime is now nastier – the intensity and the violent nature of crime is increasing at staggering rates – and that is something all New Zealanders should be very concerned about.

"We also know from international surveys – like the International Crime Victims Survey released two weeks ago – that we still compare very poorly with similar countries.

"Labour can use all the excuses they want, but the fact of the matter is that violent crime has risen steadily under their watch.

"To simply brush off the increase in violence as a result of their 'It's not OK' campaign surrounding family violence does not hold water, considering that campaign kicked off fully only on September 4 last year – eight months into the year.

"New Zealanders are now less safe than they were when Labour was first elected."