A million dollars to find out nothing new

Judith Collins

Tuesday 1 April 2008, 10:54PM

By Judith Collins


"ACC has thrown $1 million away on a report which tells us nothing we don't already know," says National's ACC spokeswoman, Pansy Wong.

The Price Waterhouse Coopers report has found that ACC should continue to be a 24-hour, no-fault and comprehensive scheme.

"National has already stated it will keep these principles intact should it become the next Government. Not content with spending $5 million on the misleading 'Covered' campaign to promote its monopoly position, the Corporation has now thrown more money down the gurgler.

"ACC chair, former union boss Ross Wilson, has categorically stated on their website that the report does not reflect ACC's views, but those of the consultants engaged to write it. This is despite the fact that ACC provided the terms of reference, research, evaluation questions and agreed to the methodology, project plans, receiving progress reports and even provided two appointed peer reviewers.

"The consultants have expressed disappointment at the small scope of research available to them and the lack of time available to verify the opinions of people interviewed.

"National would have been more interested in some answers to the tough questions laid out in a Government review by the Department of Labour in 2007."

That review said, among other things, that there was:
A lack of strategic planning focus on the legislative requirement for ACC to be fully funded by 2014.
A limited amount of detailed claimant data analysis to support assumptions underpinning Future Claims Liability.
Inconsistencies between targeted claims cost reduction and increased claims by minority groups.
Unrealistic inflation assumptions used to forecast future liabilities.
Staff satisfaction below target and down on last year; staff turnover above target.
An emerging trend that case and claims management, particularly for serious injuries, is not under control.
Increasing dissatisfaction among small and medium enterprise levy payers.

"ACC should say why they have wasted $1 million on a report which tells us nothing new, instead of dealing with the findings of the Government's own review."