Are public hospitals about people or profit?

Green Party

Wednesday 2 April 2008, 2:31PM

By Green Party


The Government needs to decide if public hospitals are money making ventures for private industries or places people go to get well, Green Party Industrial Relations Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.

“If multi-national cleaning and catering contractor, Spotless Services, cannot act responsibly they should not be tolerated by either the DHBs or the Ministry,” Ms Bradford says.

“A hospital should be a place of compassion and caring, not a place where the lowest paid staff are squeezed so management can make an extra buck.”

Ms Bradford’s comments follow Spotless reneging on an agreement reached last year to pay its cleaning and catering staff $14.25 an hour.

“Spotless had to be dragged to the negotiating table last year, and were the last service employer to agree to this pay rise.

“In reneging on that agreement it is obvious there has been no improvement in the low regard and bad-faith with which Spotless treats these essential behind-the-scene workers.

“The Green Party fully support Spotless workers in their strike today, and we join them in demanding Spotless Services puts its staff ahead of this ‘bottom-line at all costs’ thuggery.

“If Spotless won’t admit their mistakes, they should be given the boot and their staff re-employed directly by the DHBs or a contractor who has proven their commitment to responsible employment relations,” Ms Bradford says.