More investment needed in violence prevention - Maori Party
The Maori Party congratulates the government’s success in encouraging people to report family violence – but says now it must stump up with resources to deal with the problem.
“We must face up to the dramatic increase in reported violent crime – feeling confident now that at least the figures better reflect the reality of domestic violence,” says co-leader Tariana Turia.
“You cannot deal with a problem until you know what you are dealing with,” she said. “We know there are families everywhere, and whole communities, wracked by domestic violence. Now, thank goodness, it seems significant changes are starting to happen on the ground.”
“It is absolutely critical, right now, that police and support agencies are able to protect and support the whänau members who are making the first move to end the cycle of violence.
“When people speak out, they place themselves, and often their children, at great risk of further violence. We cannot let them down at that critical time.
“Agencies like Women’s Refuge and violence prevention programmes urgently need extra resources to cope with the sudden dramatic increase in reported violence. They were struggling to cope before this. The government must be ready to move quickly to boost funding, in order to consolidate the progress happening in the community.
“Domestic violence is an inter-generational problem, so as well as responding to this crisis of reported crime, we must also work to prevent any backsliding.
“That means more parenting programmes, family support, primary health programmes, good housing, literacy education and so on. Again, there are community groups doing great work, that need government support and funding.
“It also means a living wage for the working poor, and benefit payments that enable people to make ends meet.
“This is not a plea for ever-increasing expenditure – it is a call to review our priorities. This funding is a high-value investment in our own collective future.
“We simply must invest in families and children, or we will never achieve greatness as a society and a nation,” said Mrs Turia.