Consultation on climate change measures continues

Wednesday 2 April 2008, 3:55PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


Climate Change Minister David Parker has welcomed the start of the next round of public engagement on the Labour-led government’s important climate change policy of emissions trading. 

Select committee hearings on the Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill begin today at Parliament.

“We’ve already had extensive public engagement for over a year, beginning in the first half of 2007 with 200 public meetings on climate change policy throughout New Zealand attended by over 4000 people, with 3000 written submissions received,” David Parker said.

The three main messages the government received were:
• Devolve rights and obligations in forestry
• Do better in renewable electricity
• Introduce prices for increases in emissions via an emissions trading scheme rather than a carbon tax.

Since September last year, the consultation has continued with public meetings throughout New Zealand, over 100 one-on-one meetings between officials and stakeholders, regular meetings with business and environmental leaders in the Climate Change Leadership Forum, 21 regional hui and three national iwi leaders’ hui, regular industry meetings with technical advisory groups, seven regional forestry meetings, plus the normal select committee process itself, the Minister said.

“The government has bent over backwards to give all New Zealanders the chance to have their say, and every opportunity has been provided for groups particularly affected by the Bill to have their views heard,” said Mr Parker.

“The legislation has already been changed to reflect some of the constructive input provided by the public and stakeholders. The select committee has the opportunity to consider whether to recommend further changes before the bill returns to the House for its second reading.”