Broadband report provides food for thought

Wednesday 2 April 2008, 4:45PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe says the NZ Institute’s broadband research project provides a further contribution to the discussion on broadband investment. 

“Access to fast affordable broadband is one of the most important issues for New Zealand. It is a key priority in the government’s economic transformation agenda and without it we cannot compete with the rest of the World as capability and demand grows.

“The work of the NZ Institute further highlights the need to give careful consideration to the input stakeholders can provide as we progress on the pathway to faster, cheaper broadband for all New Zealanders.

“The Operational Separation of Telecom NZ is a crucial step forward in this process. However, it is not the end of the road. Further work can and must be done by stakeholders and the telecommunications industry to achieve shared goals.”

Stephen Tindall, Broadband Investment Forum Chair, is currently leading consultation to get input from business on the role they can play in the delivery of broadband.

“I look forward to receiving Mr Tindall’s report, and any other feedback from stakeholders on how we can achieve our broadband goals sooner.”