Waiariki MP congratulates CNI negotiators

Te Ururoa Flavell

Friday 4 April 2008, 9:33PM

By Te Ururoa Flavell


Today’s unveiling by the iwi of a proposal to the Crown for settling forestry claims in the Central North Island is a positive step towards eventual resolution of long-standing issues, says Waiariki MP, Te Ururoa Flavell.

“The vision of the Central North Island Iwi Collective (Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngai Tuhoe, Ngati Whakaue, Ngati Rangitihi and Ngati Whare) has been to work together with other iwi who have customary interests in forest lands, including Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa, Ngati Raukawa, and Ngati Manawa” said Mr Flavell.

“We are literally talking tens of thousands of tangata whenua who stand to gain” said Mr Flavell.

“That all parties have valued the commitment to engage has been evident throughout these last few months of intensive negotiation and hui” said Flavell.

“I congratulate the iwi negotiators, the Ministers, and facilitator Wira Gardiner, on their tenacity and determination to make this settlement a focus of unity among the people, rather than a cause of division as it has been for so long,” said Mr Flavell.

“I wish all parties well as we begin now to tackle the huge job we face, turning today’s proposal into a settlement,” he said.