Fuel economy information now available to buyers

Tuesday 8 April 2008, 2:20PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


Example of vehicle fuel economy labelFrom today car buyers will find it easier to choose a vehicle that goes further on a full tank, as fuel economy star rating labels go on show on all new and most late model used cars.

David Parker, Minister for Energy and Climate Change Issues says as the price of fuel keeps climbing, more New Zealand families want to know how they can make savings.

The label shows a star rating – similar to that seen on fridges and other appliances – and also gives an indication of the fuel cost per year, based on an average fuel price and distance.

“The label is based on information provided by the manufacturers and importers about the results of independent, laboratory based fuel consumption testing of the vehicle when new.

“This is designed to help people compare cars when they’re considering their next vehicle. For example, across “medium” cars (engine size 1.4 – 2.2 litres) there’s a range from five and a half stars to three and a half stars. Over a year, the three and a half star car will cost you twice as much in fuel as the best-rated car.”

The labels will be seen on cars where the fuel economy information is available; generally new cars and late model used Japanese cars. The fuel economy rating will also be shown on website listings, where it’s available.