Labour's record: violent crime up in provinces and cities

Tuesday 8 April 2008, 4:40PM

By Simon Power


Violent crime is not just a big-city problem, with latest figures showing that many provincial areas had increases in violence well above the nationwide increase, says National's Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.

"Last year, violent crime increased nationally by 12.3%, with grievous assaults up 17.4%, serious assaults 16.3%, intimidation and threats 11.2%, and group assemblies 26%.

"And since 1999, violent crime has risen by a massive 43.6%, to 56,983 offences, with grievous assaults up 93% to 4,831, robberies up 65%, and serious assaults up 53%.

"It's clear we're having trouble getting on top of violence, and it's natural to assume most of the problem is in the big cities.

"But an analysis shows the relentless rise in violence is not just a big-city problem – it's happening up and down the country, in police districts from Northland to Southland.

"For example, Bay of Plenty had the biggest increase in violent crime of any police district, up a huge 22% in just one year, and a whopping 63% since 1999.

"Other big increases were in Tasman, where violent offences increased by 20% last year and by 47% since 1999, in Southern by 15% and 50% since 1999, Eastern by 14% and 45%, Central by 12% and 21%, and Northland by 12% and 45%.

Increases in other districts were: Auckland 28% since 1999, Waitemata 12% last year and 56% since 1999, Counties-Manukau 19% and 63% since 1999, Waikato 16% and 42%, Wellington 11% and 50%, and Canterbury 16% since 1999.

"These numbers are of great concern. They mean that no one, no matter where they live, is immune.

"They also mean Labour's policies have failed – that New Zealanders are now less safe than they were when Labour was first elected.

"Their record in tackling violent crime has been appalling."

For maps of police districts go to:

North Island:  
South Island: