Consultation on Rates, Services for Next Year Begins
Waitaki District Council has started public consultation on its Draft Annual Plan for next year. The Draft Annual Plan sets out what Council plans to do next year and how much this is expected to cost. Consultation is being undertaken until Tuesday 13th May 2008. Council welcomes submissions to the Plan.
Council is proposing an overall rate increase of 6.4% in 2008/09, although rate increases for individual ratepayers will vary depending on a number of factors such as the services they receive.
In 2006, Council adopted a ten year plan Waitaki Community Plan showing Council services and expenditure for the years 2006 - 2016. This plan indicated that the Council expected total rates to increase by 6.8% in 2008/2009. Following several meetings to review projects and budgets for next year, the total increase in rates proposed has been reduced to 6.4%.
Main Changes proposed in the Draft Annual Plan:
Some of the main changes the Council is proposing to make next year from the information included in the 2006 -2016 Waitaki Community Plan include:
- A proposal to reduce expenditure on seal extensions from $120,000 to $11, 000. Expenditure on seal extensions would be reduced until the Council has completed a review of its existing Roading Policy, which will be undertaken in mid 2008.
- A proposal to carry out Kerb and Channel installation and seal widening in Jessop Street, Oamaru at a cost of $150,000
- A proposal to allocate $500,000 for coastal erosion protection works (the majority of this cost would be subsidised by Land Transport New Zealand)
- The Community Plan indicated that the Council would be consulting this year on a proposal to spend $4.2 million on physical works to connect the Oamaru water supply to the Weston Rural water supply. This figure has been revised to $250,000 to design a coastal pipeline to provide water from the Oamaru water supply to communities who are nearby, and south of, Oamaru.
- As a result of work to connect the Oamaru water supply to the Weston Rural water supply being deferred, two other associated projects scheduled to be carried out this year will also be delayed. These are the project to upgrade the Redcastle Road Pump Station and Rising Main to provide additional capacity and the project to upgrade the Weston Water reticulation system to provide on-demand supply.
Further information on projects Council has planned next year can be found in the Draft Annual Plan.
Consultation and Submission Information
A summary of the Draft Annual Plan will be published as part of the Waitaki Herald on Wednesday 16 April. Copies of the summary and the full version of the Draft Annual Plan can be obtained from the Council’s website,, by emailing or phoning (03) 433 0300.
Ratepayers will also receive individual rates newsletters next week showing proposed rates for the coming year.
Council is to hold three public meetings to discuss the Draft Annual Plan. These meetings will be an opportunity for residents to find out more about the projects Council has planned next year and what these will cost. The meetings are to be held at the following times and places:
- Palmerston – Thursday 1 May, 7pm, Palmerston Sports Hall
- Oamaru – Monday 5 May, 7pm, Kingsgate Hotel Brydone
- Kurow – Wednesday 7 May, 7pm, Kurow Hall
Submissions to the draft Annual Plan will be heard on Tuesday 27 May 2008 at the Council offices (20 Thames Street, Oamaru). Submission hearings will continue on Wednesday 28 May if required.
Council is expected to adopt the final version of the Annual Plan in late June 2008.
Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan should be returned to:
The Council Offices, Oamaru Service Centre, 20 Thames Street, Oamaru, or.
The Waihemo Service Centre, 54 Tiverton Street, Palmerston.
Submissions may also be faxed to 03 433 0301 or emailed to: