Be wary of privatisation by stealth Greens say

Green Party

Monday 14 April 2008, 1:02PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is challenging John Key to say whether his commitment to not privatise state assets includes not opening up ACC to private competition, or even dismantling it entirely.

“Selling assets is just one way the National Party might effectively privatise New Zealand’s assets,” Green Party Spokesperson on ACC Sue Bradford says.

“Key’s assurances say nothing about opening up state assets to private competition, or even dismantling them, as has previously been spoken of by National. This would be privatisation by stealth.

“National has been forthright about their willingness to open up ACC to private competition, and the Green Party challenges them to produce a list of assets which would be safe not only from sale, but from competition on the open market, or partial or even full dismantling.

“People hearing Key’s assurances that assets will not be strip-mined, must be aware that there are a lot of things the National Party can do that are just as destructive as selling them off, including contracting out services or even removing Government from services entirely.

“Given the National Party’s previous position on ACC, which they have said they would open to competition, the Green Party remains sceptical.

“The National Party’s 1999-2000 involvement of private insurers in accident compensation was a disastrous experiment for many ACC claimants. In too many cases, private insurers motivated by profit simply refused to grant cover and entitlements that injured workers should have rightfully received.”